First of all, make a copy of your Wolfenstein 3D game, just in case anything goes wrong. From now on, you'll be working with the copy of Wolfenstein. To install the Dungeon of Death in the Wolfenstein game, you'll need a program called Wolfedit. (If you do not have Wolfedit, you'll probably find it in the same place you found the Dungeon of Death.) Launch Wolfedit, and select the "open" command in the File menu. Open the Dungeon of Death. Now Select "Install in" in the File menu, and open up the Wolfenstein game. Now simply select "Install", also in the file menu. Now you're done. Quit wolfedit and you're ready to play.
Inside the Dungeon
The Dungeon of Death is very difficult. You are trying to escape from the underground Nazi Prison, and you must make your way through ten floors of mazes maddness to gain freedom. The first three floors are small fry when compared to what lies afterward. The entire dungeon consists of ten enemy-packed floors and four hellish levels. Each level is a whole lot harder than the one before it. Plus, each floor has tons of secrets.
If you want 100% completion for each floor, you're going to have to spend some time searching the walls for secret doors. Most of the secret doors have some sort of picture on the wall, however there are a few where no clue suggests a secret. Sometimes, there are secret doors, within secret doors, within secret doors, so you're going to have to do a lot of exploring!
Keys are the ticket to moving on. Sometimes the keys are hidden so well within a hidden door, while others may just be laying around.
A helpful tip: remember to use your map if you're having some trouble. Just press the "?" key to view it.
More Great Dungeons lie ahead!
As long as everyone likes the Dungeon of Death, I'll be sure to create even more dungeons, with bad enemies and even badder levels! To show your appreciation with the Dungeon of Death, please send the author, Mike Gerenser, a $2 shareware fee. It's a small price to pay for something this guy spent hours working on. You may send cash or a check payable to Mike Gerenser to the following address:
1221 Wildflower Drive
Webster, NY 14580
Please pay if you enjoy the Dungeon of Death. It will encourage me to create even better dungeons! Feel free to pass around the Dungeon of Death to your friends, neighbors and relatives (just make sure this Read Me goes along, too).